Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where did the idea that burning sage would banish evil spirits originate?

Good question.

Although there may be some differences among specific tribes, most American Indians recognize four sacred plants: sage, sweetgrass, cedar and tobacco. Most tribes also have legends about the origin of these plants. From my experience and studies, I have found that the idea of burning sage to cleanse an area of negativity (aka to banish evil) originated among the tribes of the Great Plains, and then spread among other tribes.

Personally, friends and I make periodic visits to South Dakota to collect sage. I also have a friend from Wyoming who sends me sage in exchange for the white cedar (from my Wisconsin home) that I send her.

Where did the idea that burning sage would banish evil spirits originate?
The use of cleansing and healing goes back into times when Latin was still a living language. I quote, "Cur moriatur homo cui Salvia crescit in horto?" which translates as "Why should a man die when Sage flourishes in his garden?" You can cleanse yourself with Sage tea at the same time you can use Sage smoke to cleanse your house.
Reply:Many cultures have a preferred herb/plant they use. Sage is Native American.
Reply:Native American, it does work! Many others use it to.

The Truth

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