Monday, January 30, 2012

Sage plant question?

i have a Sage plant planted outside,i live in a warm country,at the moment it has purple flowers on the top of it.

so can i cut these off?,are these the seeds?how would i go about this?

thanks in advance!

Sage plant question?
That sounds like a Russian Sage plant. Yes the purple flowers can be cut off but this plant ( if it is a Russian Sage ) are ornamental plants. They have the smell of sage but you don't need to try and cook with it.

The flowers are very pretty in a dried flower arrangement.
Reply:Salvia plants are perennials. You can cut the flowers and yes they will set seeds. If you would like to collect them you can wait till the flowers have matured and dried on the bush and then cut them off and place them in a paper bag in a dry storage spot. Seed can be sown in spring.

If you would like to propagate more, and you have a large clump, dig it up in autumn in warm temperate areas or in spring if it snows where you are, and divide it up. Just dig up the plant, shake off the soil, and break into a couple of rooted clumps. Replant immediately and water in well. This is the easiest way and you are reproducing an exact clone of the original plant which is important if you have a particularly good plant. If the plant is Russian sage (perovskia atriplicifolia) you can also divide or collect the seeds in the same manner. Make sure you have a multistemmed plant or you may not be able to divide. Good luck.

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