Friday, January 27, 2012

Want to clean my new homeCalifornian White sage!!?

I want to cleanse my new home from negative energys, will white sage work? how do I do it?

Want to clean my new homeCalifornian White sage!!?
Yes...use a spray bottle and scratchy sponge and add a little "Dirt Tex." Should do the job with no offfensive odors or harmful effects.
Reply:sage, sweet grass was what I used along with tobacco offerings and salt around the house after the smudging inside
Reply:The principle herbs used are sage, cedar or juniper, lavender and sweet grass.

Generally, sage, sweet grass, and cedar are burned to purify and protect one's living area.

There are two major genera and several varieties of each genus of Sage that are used for smudging. Salvia, or the herb sage used for cooking, comes in two major varieties: S. officinalis, commonly known as Garden Sage, and S. apiana, commonly known as White Sage.

Smudging may be done by yourself or with one or more other people.

There are many different rituals and methods used when smudging.

One or more herbs used in different combinations or alone.

Rooms and psychic tools, such as crystals and other objects that hold energy, are often smudged/cleansed on a regular basis.

The initial smudging is for the purpose of purifying the space and participants and for banishing any unwanted energies.

Cleansing the ceremonial or ritual space before and after the event is an essential part of spiritual hygiene.

The final smudge is to cleans any negative vibrations and energies attracted or created during the proceedings.

It is also a good thing to do on a regular basis for both one's self and one's living space, to maintain individual and domestic harmony.

Smudging itself takes many forms.

Sometimes herbs are tied in a bundle called a 'smudge stick' and allowed to dry.

Some herbs lend themselves to braiding.

In olden times, the end of the smudge stick or braid was lit from the central or cooking fire.

Today a candle is recommended as it takes some time to get the stick smoking.

Loose dried herbs may also be placed directly onto the burning wood in an indoor fireplace or crumbled between the fingers over a piece of charcoal. The container used for the charcoal and herbs needs to be fireproof.

Ceramic or glass bowls with a layer of sand or salt work well.

Especially nice is an abalone shell with a layer of colored sand in the bottom.

Remember that the container may be come warm enough to scorch a surface or burn your hand.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your smudging. :-)
Reply:IF u dont know how to work with white sage--then u shouldnt BOTHER...u only bring it with u if ur that paranoid...remember bad,mischievious and evil spirits ALL acknowledge sage...if u acknowledge them instead of running from haus to house then u dfeat the amount of sage will work for u unless u do it in a good ALWAYS acknowledges the spirits when smudging..after u tell them u know they are there,u ask as u distibute the smoke throughout that they only come in a good way...and that no mischief or ill will comes in and u smudge all doorways throughout ur haus..always end ur prayers with,,all my realtions and creator i love mothers pipe ceremonies were just too really felt and saw the spirits with her...she was wonderful...
Reply:Get a sumging stick, I would use white sage and ceder, LIght it and start at the back of your home and smoke every room and walk rigth out the font door. Thatshould do it unless you have some realy bad juju.
Reply:Yes, the white sage will work. You should also get a white candle or several votive white candles and place them around the house. Also, sprinkle some sea salt in all the rooms while calling in all the positive energies before you light the sage. Leave one door open or a window a passage way for the negative energies to leave the house. Once you light the white sage take it from room to room and concentrate or say a prayer calling all that is good and positive and releasing all negative energies that my have been left in the home. Make sure that you open up the closets to let all negativity out. Once you have done this to every room go out through the open door and put out the sage. If you left a window open, then put the sage through the open window and put it out. If you did not use the whole sage stick, then you can saved it in a tin can and use it again if you feel the need. It is also good to get holy water and sprinkle some in every corner of every room in the house.
Reply:Yes it will give it a nice smell the power comes from you focusing your intent by aligning with The Creator. There is no magic in th wand it is in the person holding the wand. The ancient misconception is so ingrained we give our power away to all kinds of people and organizations. Feel the Truth within. Talk to your power animal / guide /angel to assist

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