Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sage And Thyme, what r they mainly used on?

Sage and thyme have earthy flavors. They go well with pork, mushrooms, poultry, roasted potatoes, roasted dishes. For example,

I use fresh sage leaves when I'm roasting a turkey, I slip the whole leaves under the skin and bake them like that.

Thyme I put in pot roasts, roasted potatoes, sometimes egg dishes too. Thyme has a woody flavor so it goes good with things grown in the ground

Sage And Thyme, what r they mainly used on?
Chicken dishes.
Reply:I use sage mainly with poultry and thyme with poultry, anything tomatoey or pretty much anything savory.
Reply:I use sage primarily for poultry dishes and thyme for meaty robust recipes.
Reply:sage is used alot in turkey dressings and some times chili's Thyme I use on chicken,roasts,pork
Reply:Sage is used in sausage and chicken dishes. Thyme is used in Italian food, sausage and lots of other good things. Either one of these things is great to stuff under chicken skin and roast the whole bird in the oven or on a smoker or grill. Sage leaves fried in butter is a delicious go along with fried chicken.

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