Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Does RUSSIAN SAGE grow hardy and FAST??

About to get a little shipment of plants I ordered

1 of which was the all mighty russian sage [what gorgeous plant]

Is it pretty easy care?

will it really look like the ad in 'spring nursery' [haha, hope so by the end of summer or early fall]

Does RUSSIAN SAGE grow hardy and FAST??
I have several and they do great. I don't even give any supplemental irrigation to them (they are very drought tolerant). They can tend to get a little leggy if you let them. Trim them down heavily (nearly to the ground) in the early spring. I whacked mine off and they are nearly full size now. I let them stand alone as they can look very odd if put into groupings. They are very nice plants and require very little care (spring pruning is about all they need).

PS: Don't add fertilizer or then can get really wild and out of control.
Reply:Very easy care and very hardy, a wonderful perennial. You will be pleased
Reply:i have two of these. they grow like crazy. be careful where you plant, they will take over if you don't keep cutting it back.


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