Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Anyone heard of using clerey sage oil to innduce labor?

anyone tried it? Any sucess? What else can u use the oil for?

Anyone heard of using clerey sage oil to innduce labor?
You really shouldn't try to induce labor on your own. If you are having a normal healthy pregnancy, let nature take its course, you will go into labor when your body and the baby says its time. If you are having complications then the doctor will know the right time to induce you.
Reply:all those things dont work !!!

your baby will be born when its ready!!!!

just relax i notice you really want to have your baby early!!!
Reply:Castor Oil helps, even our nurse said it was what she used but you need to take most of it or at least half of the bottle. You can get a small bottle at the pharmacy. Ya it tastes like crap and may make you feel like throwing up but it is supposed to help.
Reply:I've never herd of clerey oil, but I did try caster oil that is found at the pharmacey and the only thing it made me do was vomit, it didnt really help any thing, but then again every body is diffrent.

Good Luck!!
Reply:Never heard that one!! i already told you before.....there is nothing that will cause you to go into labor, unless your baby is ready!!!! Why are you in such a big hurry?? I tried EVERYTHING imaginable and nothing worked!! Im now 41 weeks!! And have to be induced!!
Reply:No I never heard of that. And I don't understand what the big rush is to induce labor. This could be harmful to the baby when it is done improperly. Obviously the baby will come when he or she is ready. Or else docs will know. I know I went all the way to 43 weeks before my baby was ready to come out.. and I am so glad I never tried to induce, I know it is hard, but you never want to harm your baby or yourself because you are ready for the baby to come out. Sorry not trying to lecture anyone, I just don't see why everyone is always in a hurry to have their baby.

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