Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What is it about SAGE that Indians believed 2Bsacred 4 spiritual cleansings??

TO SPIRITUAL RESEARCHERS/professional psychics: WHY DID INDIANS BELIEVE SAGE CAN purify atmospheres/expelling negative energies??

How can sage chase an evil entity away exactly?

p.s. I have personally used sage myself 'smudging' area's [even w/annoying neighbors] w/excellent results

I don't have an explaination why it works however

What is it about SAGE that Indians believed 2Bsacred 4 spiritual cleansings??
In my travels I ended up in a circle with old Indian men giving speeches. One man, Marvin, prayed then said something like (he worded it elegantly, my wording isn't) Our old people have always known that sage and sweetgrass is sacred and strong. They say evil does not like the smell of it and will run when it's lit. My brother tells the story of a man lighting sweetgrass in a home that needed prayer, and the back kitchen window broke suddenly, evil couldn't stand it so much, it broke the window to get out. That's why you always open a window a crack before you light it. That's proof that it works. They say, even people with evil minds will get angry when you light it...

That was a fun night for me. They lit it, and the sweetgrass smells real good.
Reply:Look inside your heart- that's where it lies...

spirits around us ,some good ,some bad. when I smudge with sage I accknowledge the bad/mischievious/. If you dont acknowledge the spirits on both sides they tend to pay one a visit..sweet grass acknowledges the good spirits.
Reply:It has to do with the smell of it. Spirits don't like the smell of vinegar or pepper either.
Reply:Umm...it's just one of the properties of sage. It's just great for protection and clearing. It breaks up the energy in that area. I guess my question is, what kind of an explanation are you looking for when you're asking a sort of metaphysical question. It just kinda does. :) I use it between readings or after healing sessions especially.
Reply:I found the booklet: SACRED SAGE: How It Heals by Silver Wolf Walks Alone ISBN 0-9640229-0-7 at the local health food store. It has a lot of the info you seem to be looking for. It cost about $5.

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