Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What else can I use for cold sores if Valtrex doesn't work well or should I just up my doe sage?

It works a little but I still get small sores every now and then. Is there something to stop this completely?

What else can I use for cold sores if Valtrex doesn't work well or should I just up my doe sage?

Cold sore treatment


fast drying
Reply:tetarine salve
Reply:Abreeva- Works great but for tiny sores that are about to come out.
Reply:I think Camphophenique...NOT SURE OF THE SPELLING.not expensive either.There is also a vitamin that you need that will help also.please ask the pharmacist or other health professional about it.My daughter has been plagued for years with this problem.STRESS will also cause this.Don't forget to ask about the vitamin.GOOD LUCK AND BLESS YOU.
Reply:don't up your dosage without talking to your doctor. you could ruin you liver if you're not careful.

i take lysine for cold sores, it's an over the counter supplement/vitamin/mineral. it works pretty well, i knwo a lot of people who use it.
Reply:Don't change the dosage without your doctors permission. Talk to your physician about the way the medicine is working (or the small sores still appearing) but don't do anything with this medication on your own.

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