Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Should i grow herbs such as rosemary, and sage inside, or out?

If you have a good garden spot it is a lot of fun to grow them outside. They get much bigger and healthier. Rosemary and sage do very well outside as does basil, just keep pinching off the top and it will get big and bushy. Consider other herbs like fennel, chives and oregano. When fall arrives you can pot some up to put in a sunny window sill.

Should i grow herbs such as rosemary, and sage inside, or out?
your choice
Reply:Rosemary and sage and most herbs should be grown outside. certain hebs like Basil are better off inside. Buy yourself a gardening book they are usually better for advice.
Reply:You can grow them indoors or outdoors, grow them indoors in the winter and outdoors all summer. All herbs grow really quickly and easily.
Reply:outside they grow faser and are healthier plants
Reply:Growing outdoors in full sun is the best for robust healty plants. If possible plant nearest to the kitchen door or any door so they are handy to harvest for cooking. Most herbs are perennials, such as sage. Rosemary is an annual in zones 5 and lower I believe. In southern climates they can reach the size of a large shrub and are a very attractive evergreen. If you live in a colder climate you can pot it up and keep it in a sunny location indoors and then plant back outside. Both herbs are great for drying so you have them to cook with in winter!

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