Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I heard that sage tea helps dry up your milk- is this safe to take while pregnant?

Why not just take it after you have the baby, don't risk taking anything while your pregnant.

I heard that sage tea helps dry up your milk- is this safe to take while pregnant?
I would ask your doctor and not people on yahoo answers this questions. Kudo's to you for NOT wanting to breastfeed your child. Personally I find this practice utterly disgusting.

You go girl!!!!
Reply:No, not while you are pregnant, your baby should have that "first" milk. it's very healthy for the child.
Reply:why would you want to dry yourself up before the baby arrives? I think it might do more harm than good for doing somthing like that. Breasts were designed for producing milk and for stopping it could cause some ill effects.
Reply:Apparently you're not supposed to have it during pregnancy because it can cause contractions, but here is an article with other ways to suppress breast milk too, it seems that they're mostly for after you have the baby but some of these are harmless enough to employ during your pregnancy, such as the cold compresses, etc.

"Warning: According to, sage tea should not be consumed during pregnancy as it can cause contractions."

Reply:Whoa people, until YOU are in Wal-mart with milk dripping off you shirt so bad you have to call for a spill clean up, do not criticize her!

I lactated heavily during my pregnancies and between them, even though I chose to breast feed, I didn't want to walk around with a wet shirt all the time. I literally had to take towels with me when I went to the store! But for me, nothing helped my youngest is almost three and I still have some milk.

My Dr. told me that lactating and even breast feeding during pregnancy was fine but that it would increase my Braxton Hicks contractions. He was right but all my children are fine. But we tried Benedryl, changing my diet, and even a pill that is perscription to dry up my milk (between) pregnancies and nothing worked. Just lucky I guess. =(

They (Medella, Johnson%26amp;Johnson ect.) make pads that absorb milk you can wear in your bra, until you find the dry up remedy that works for you. They are expencive compared to panty liners so eventually I started using those ( unscented:)

Hope this helps...
Reply:why would you want to dry up your milk while your pregnant? even if it did work which could be risky for the baby once you have the baby your body is going to produce more milk anyways so i would suggest just waiting.

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