Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I have bread, sage, onion how do I make sage and onion stuffing?

Toast your bread and tear it up add the onion and quite a bit of sage. Take a big cup of hot tap water and slowly add water until bread is all softened. It's hard to say how much. I mix it with my

hands until I have the right consistency. I keep adding sage until it smells like stuffing.( I also add a little celery and sausage but it will be fine without it.)

I have bread, sage, onion how do I make sage and onion stuffing?
Tear up the bread (not really necessary to toast it). Dice onion, (celery too if desired, adds flavor), then sautee in butter or margerine till clear. I usually add some chicken buillon to hot water and mix in with onoins mixture. Add liquids to bread and mix with hands. Add sage, salt, pepper to taste.

Great for stuffing chicken, Pork chops, or just all by itself.

Bon Appetit ! ! !
Reply:i have two recipes one for in the bird and one for cooking in a pan both take the same ingrediants. 2 to 3 cups cubed bred, 1/2 cup cubed corn bread(optional) 1/4 to 1/2 cup sweet onion,1/4 to 1/2 pound of sweet or hot sausage( sweet is best) 1/2 cup of cut and peeled apples, cubed small. 2 eggs 2cups chicken broth or water, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper, 1 table spoon pluss of sage or poultry seasoning, minced celery (optional). mix the bread and cornbread together in a large bowl add the spices mix well, add sausage apple, sausage should be cooked and drained apple should be raw. celery and onions added also at this time mix this mixture well add two raw eggs and combine thourolly, i use my hands to mix at this point, the mixture will be on the dry loose side, now depending on if you are going to stuff a bird or not will depend on how much brothor water you will use. for stuffing a bird. add enough broth or water to hold the mixture together, so that if you pick up some it will hoild its shape if you were to squeeze it. then add an extra 1/4 cup and mix again, at this point you can add more sage if nessecary when i use this recipe i put in 3 table spoons of sage or poultry seasoning, my husband loves alot of sage, after determining if the spices are right for you .stuff your bird with the stuffing----- if you want to cook the stuffing on the oven mix all the ingrediants as above, except the broth or water. grease a pan big enough to hold the mixture begin to add the broth or water, mix well stop adding the liquid when the mixture resembles almost a cake batter. pour mixture into the greased pan put a few butter pattye on the top and bake at 350 for around 40 min or until the tooth pick comes out clean. i injoy the out of birdi injoy the stuffing that id put in the pan and baked over the one cooked in the bird. it is moister and for some reason tastes bolder. injoy all the ingrediants such as sausage and apples celery and corn bread are optional, you can use just bread egg and onion and spices for a nice dreessing.
Reply:Tear bread into a bowl, add chopped onion and chopped celery, add 1 beaten egg, season with salt, pepper and sage, pour on boiling water or hot meat stock and throw it in the pan...usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half to cook.

I use the sage until I can smell it faintly, too much sage can make it bitter! Do not be afraid to take a small taste to see if it is seasoned to your liking.

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