Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is it that accounts for the hump on the back of a camel and the Sphinx's inscrutible smile?

There is a witticism here which is very sage if you can remember what it was.

What is it that accounts for the hump on the back of a camel and the Sphinx's inscrutible smile?
Hope this is what you mean - the full verse, as I remember it .

The sexual desires of a camel

Are greater than anyone thinks.

Sometimes in the mating season

He tries to bugger the Sphinx.

But the Sphynx's anal passage

Is blocked by the sands of the Nile,

Which accounts for the hump on the camel

And Sphynx's inscrutable smile !

Best wishes.
Reply:The sexual urge of the camel...
Reply:Is that like when you say "She makes me horney as a camel.."!!

How much to charge as a Nanny?

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