Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Will my plants come back after freeze?

We just had record lows here in So. Cal and my geraniums, potato tree,sage,butterfly bush, and birds of paradise all look dead. Will they come back?

Will my plants come back after freeze?
Don't fertilize them. The plants are stressed and fertilizing them in that state is another stress. It will hurt more than help. Some of them are pretty fragile as far as temp is concerned. The one's Calla mentioned shoud definitely make it. If the roots are undamaged there's a good chance the others will come back. The only way you'll know for sure is to wait. Don't overwater--you don't want to stress the roots. You can fertilize lightly when you see new growth.
Reply:Check the roots, if they are fine, they will come back when weather gets better. When you get that weather, fertilize them slightly mostly with nitrogen and phosphorous (you can use commercial mixture like 9-45-15, 0.002lbs/plant each time you irrigate them). Don′t water them heavily try frequently instead. Until you get betters weather just water them slightly also...good luck
Reply:The sage and butterfly bush will come back as I live in Ontario,Canada and mine come back every year. I do not know about your other plants, but don't do anything yet leave them and see, hopefully they will. You can cover them with plastic or burlap. I hope they come back for you.
Reply:The sage and butterfly bush will, not sure about the others, don't cut them off yet, wait till spring.
Reply:I had the same problem with my plants here in AZ. I was told by the nursery that they should come back as long as I fertilize them well now and again in the spring. I'm a beginner so I'm curious how others will answer your question. Good luck!

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