Monday, February 13, 2012

Can any kind of sage be used to get high on ?and if so how?

NONE. What idiot told you that? And, if you burn it, it STINKS! Listen, i grew up in the seventies, and the only drugs I never did were heroin, meth, speed, no opiates except for, well, opium. NO you CANNOT get high from sage! EVER!!!!!That sounds like when i was a kid and people used to say you could get high from:Taking aspirin with coca-cola; and, smoking marigold seeds. Sound as stupid as "smoking sage"? You bet it does. 'S freaking ridiculous.

Can any kind of sage be used to get high on ?and if so how?

have you ever heard of salvia divinorum??? this is known as the "diviner's sage." most people just call it "salvia."

it has been used by ancient cultures for centuries to cause religious holy visions and deep insights. mazatec shamans used it for spirit journeys. it is still legal in the US, and available at most head shops.

you dry the herb, and then smoke the product. it must be smoked at very high temperatures, so you must use a torch-style lighter. the BEST results are obtained using a water pipe (bong), and you use about enough to cover a dime/nickel. you must burn the entire hit at once, and inhale all the smoke at once. hold the smoke as LONG as possible. by the time you exhale, you will already feel the effects.

salvia comes on VERY strong. if you've never done hallucinogencs before, DONT START WITH SALVIA. I HAVE DONE ACID, MUSHROOMS, AND PEYOTE, AND SAVLIA IS STRONGER THAN ANY OF THOSE!!! i will no longer do salvia, because the trip is INTENSE, and often scary.

however, the trip only lasts for a few minutes. sometimes less than 10, sometimes more than 20, almost NEVER more than 30 minutes. my first experience went like this:

i was holding in the smoke, and started to get a pins-n-needles feelign in my jaw. suddenly, the world was ripped away, and i felt like i was being sucked out of my body into a dream. (my friends tell me my eyes rolled and i went kind of limp.) i remember thinking i was made of yarn, in a universe full of velcro. i was stuck on everything and unravelling, but it was all hilarious. then i was inside a cactus, and the i WAS the cactus. then suddenly, i heard someone screaming and laughing at the same time. i realized it was ME. my body had been laughing the entire time, even though i wasn't aware. i came to, and my hands were in my mouth. i couldn't understand why there were so many bones in there, and then i realized they were my teeth. i couldn't understand where or who or why i was, and then, one of my friends turned and said "it's ok man, you were tripping on salvia, you're back now." and i felt totally relieved.

so like i said, scary, intense, and not long-lasting.
Reply:Yeah, and it makes your head go wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!

evening shoes

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