Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What are the spices effect on the health of humans?

I am writing a very serious paper on the real beneficial effect of a given spice on the health of a human being. If you have personally tested and know the real effect of a given spice (such as sage or cumin or ginger or cinammon or any other spice) please give me in a few words the specific effect and the benefit you have derived.Did it actually "cure" an illness or improved it to what extent --give percentage of success. This is a serious subject and hopefully I will get

very serious and dependable answers. Thanks.

What are the spices effect on the health of humans?
The only personal experience I have is of using cinnamon.

I started taking around 1 teaspoonfull twice a day after I became diabetic. I was put on prescribed meds at the time of diagnosis. I started using teh cinnamon about a month post diagnosis. A week or 2 later I started having low blood sugars. Went to doctor and meds halved. Continued....3 weeks later started having hypos again. Meds discontinued. I am now eating a sensible balanced diet (using only complex carbs) and taking the cinnamon for my diabetic control (which remains excellent);

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